Shenmue 3 “Slacker Backer” Campaign Opens for More Funds

Ys Net will accept funding from those who didn't have the chance earlier.

Ys Net accumulated more than $6.3 million from the Kickstarter campaign for Shenmue 3, thus making it the most crowd-funded game on the site yet. However, for those who didn’t have a chance to invest the first time, the developer has started a Slacker Backer campaign on its website. Backers can use PayPal in order to fund the project.

“So many people told us they could not pledge on Kickstarter, or could not make the deadline, and have asked for a PayPal page for another opportunity to contribute to Shenmue 3. So here we go.

“The Slacker Backer period will continue through December 31, and just like the Kickstarter campaign, the funds raised will be used to reach the Stretch Goals to make the game even bigger and deeper.”

If you choose to back the game through PayPal, then you’ll be taken to a page for selecting rewards like the Collector’s Edition and trial.

Thoughts on Shenmue 3 taking further funding? Let us know in the comments.

Kickstarterpcps4Shenmue 3Ys Net