“Shocking” Pokemon News Coming This Week

A Japanese TV show will apparently have some Pokemon related news later this week.

Is Pokemon for Nintendo Switch getting an official announcement and reveal this week? We, surprisingly enough, still do not know. But as Pokemon fans continue to whip themselves up into a frenzy, here’s something concrete to hold on to- apparently, “shocking” Pokemon news will be revealed during the next episode of Japanese variety show Oha Suta, which will air on May 31st (i.e. Thursday).

The original description for this episode read “shocking Pokemon news which starts a new story”, which, you know, is really explicit- that said, it was later changed to “full of Pokemon information”, which is more generic, but, again, why would you change to that unless you were trying not to give something away?

Now, whether or not Pokemon on Switch is announced during this episode, or it is announced before then (so within the next 30 or so hours), and is only covered on the show, remains to be seen, but… Nintendo, come on now. This madness has gone on long enough. Announce the games.

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