Sine Mora Arriving on PC This November

Classic shoot 'em up gameplay with a twist.

Ever felt like you’re a shooter fan on the wrong platform? Considering just ending it all and jumping ship to consoles for your shoot ’em up fix? You can delay those urges for a bit thankfully, Kalypso Media Digital has announced that its critically acclaimed shoot ’em up, Sine Mora will be releasing for the PC on November 9th for Steam and other digital media platforms. Boasting a 1080p resolution and 60 frames per second gameplay, Sine Mora introduces the concept of “bullet hell” to a brand new generation.

Featuring a Story Mode, Arcade Mode and over 50 weapon combinations with stages that automatically adapt to a player’s skill level, Sine Mora is a horizontal shoot ’em up that channels the classic shooters of yore but with a fresh coat of paint.

While the genre has seen some amazing additions in the Super NES, Sega Saturn and Playstation days (to say nothing of the classic arcade titles of yore), it’s seen a bit of a low-key presence in the past decade.

Kalypso Mediapcshoot em upsine mora