Skyrim, Fallout 4 Have “Millions” of Daily Players – Bethesda

Though each has their own strengths.

Wail on Bethesda all you want for taking the RP out of your G but they’re doing something right. Director Todd Howard told GameSpot in a new interview that both The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim and Fallout 4 see “millions” of daily players.

Howard talked about returning to Skyrim with the Special Edition after Fallout 4 and said that, “It was like seeing an old friend from high school and realizing how much you missed spending time together. When you’re making a game like Skyrim, it’s your whole life, and you start losing perspective on, is this fun? Is this not fun? What’s good?

“What’s bad? Being able to come back to it, you really see it – it’s kind of one of those rare times when you sit down and you see something you made as a gamer. You kind of forget all the versions of a certain feature or what it took to get it there and you’re just playing it for what it is.”

Howard noted that Skyrim was more heavy-handed in letting you shape your own destiny. “I think Skyrim is a little bit more of ‘find your own way.’ It’s more inviting for the type of character you want to play. Whereas Fallout 4 probably tells a stronger but specific story.”

However, Fallout 4 does some things better than Skyrim, namely in, “How content is presented; they both have their strengths and weaknesses. We’re very critical of our own stuff.”

What are your thoughts on Skyrim versus Fallout 4? Let us know in the comments below.

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