Skyrim Very Special Edition For Alexa is Actually Real, Details Revealed

Has Bethesda gone too far? Spoiler: Yes.

Bethesda’s Todd Howard had a little bit during the company’s E3 presser about Skyrim’s Very Special Edition which would be coming to numerous platforms like Amazon Alexa. While it won’t be heading to Pager, Samsung Smart Refrigerator or Etch-a-Sketch, it actually available for Alexa.

According to the official product page, this version allows for voice usage to explore Skyrim. This includes questing, mastering different weapons, fatally harming mudcrabs, dying and whatnot. It’s bizarre and you might still think this is a joke gone too far (especially judging by the reviews).

Once again, it is real. Check out PC Gamer trying out the Alexa version here. It’s as bizarre as it sounds but might be worth trying out if you really, really like hearing Alexa talk.

Bethesda had numerous announcements to make during its E3 presser including Starfield and The Elder Scrolls 6 coming to next generation consoles, footage and details for Fallout 76 (which is out in November) and much more.

Amazon Alexabethesda softworksE3 2018SkyrimSkyrim Very Special Edition