Sleeping Dogs, Hitman: Absolution Discounted on Square Enix Store

Plus a few classic titles like FFVII and Thief.

If you haven’t played them already, Square Enix is running a sale on the digital versions of Sleeping Dogs, an open world action adventure set in Hong Kong from United Front Games, and Hitman: Absolution, a stealth shooter and follow-up in the classic franchise from IO Interactive, on its online story.

Hitman: Absolution is available for $29.99, which is 40 percent off from its original price, and Sleeping Dogs for $19.99, making for 50 percent off. Considering they’re only a few months old, it’s as good a deal as one is going to get in this day and age.

But that’s not all. You can also pick up classic titles like Squaresoft’s very own revolutionary RPG Final Fantasy 7 for $5.99, for 50 percent off and Looking Glass Studios’ Thief: The Dark Project, available for $4.99 and 50 percent off.

The sales is expected to run till February 6th on the Square Enix Online Store. Hit up the website for more details.

Source: Polygon

final fantasy 7Hitman: Absolutionmultiplatformsleeping dogsSquare EnixThief: The Dark Project