Sony announces third party support for PSP2- Epic, Capcom, Activision and more; CoD Announced

Sony announced third party support for their new handheld system, NGP. They have announced that Capcom, Activision, Epic, SEGA, Tecmo and Konami are going to support the console. I’m guessing this is just the beginning of it.

Capcom announced a Monster Hunter downloadable game currently in development. They even announced that Monster Hunter Freedom 3 and Lost Planet  2 are coming on the NGP.

Kojima cam on stage to show what is probably a tech demo of MGS4. He’s not announced whether the game is coming over. He also said he wants a technology where you can play game on your PS3 at home, and then continue your save progress on your PSP2 when you leave home. He says he’s working on that, and will reveal his plans this E3.

Epic announced a game called Dungeon Defenders built on their UE III tech. They said it was a game being developed originally for the PS3, but development was shifted to the NGP and there were no cut backs at all. It just took a week for the port.

Activision announced a new Call of Duty title. No details were given.

A list of other third party developers pledging their support to the NGP was given- Level- 5, Rockstar, Grasshopper, 2K Games, Square Enix, Namco Bandai, IREM, Ubi Soft, Q Entertainment.

PSP2 or NGP launches this holiday.

Stay tuned for more info.
