Sony Announcing New PS4 Games “Shortly”, Expected to Release This Year – Insider

How marketing department will handle it is still up in the air.

We’re hearing an awful lot about inFamous: Second Son and The Order: 1886, with DriveClub set to release in the coming months for PlayStation 4. But let’s not forget that Sony promised roughly 20 exclusives for the console. Even if you do a rough calculation and determine as much, just when will begin to see first party titles from the likes of Media Molecule, Team ICO and others?

NeoGaf user and insder DemonNite, known to be a Sony Computer Entertainment employee stated that, “They will probably start announcing new stuff ‘shortly’ but who knows how the marketing dept want to handle things this year.”

However, given that games like Uncharted were showcased near the launch of the console and aren’t expected to release this year, it remains to be seen whether this “new stuff” will be for this year. However, DemonNite believes so. When asked if said new stuff would be scheduled to release this year, he simply replied, “Yes.”

What are your thoughts on the whole deal? Let us know below.
