Sony Apologizes for PS5 Pre-order Mess, Promises Greater Availability Through the End of the Year

"PS5 preorders could have been a lot smoother," Sony acknowledges.

The PS5 pre-order situation has been a bit of a hot mess. After previously promising that they would give fans ample notice before pre-orders went live, Sony did the exact opposite, giving only a day’s worth of warning to prospective buyers before doing so. On top of that, retailers went rogue and opened up pre-orders earlier than they were supposed to. All of that, combined with the fact that the console seemingly has limited stock at launch, meant that a lot of people who had every intention of getting the console on day one simply couldn’t do so.

Surprisingly, Sony has very openly acknowledged its mistakes. Recently taking to Twitter via the official PlayStation page, Sony apologized for its poor communication and mismanagement, promising that more PS5 consoles will be made available for pre-orders over the coming days. Sony also stated that more PS5s “well be available through the end of the year.”

It remains to be seen just how effectively Sony will manage this situation going forward, but they have said in the past that they plan on producing lot of PS5 units at launch– so hopefully, things will go smoothly from here on out.

Meanwhile, the Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S will be available for pre-orders starting September 22. Microsoft’s messaging and communication has been refreshingly clear, with exact pre-order timings having been revealed- read more on that through here.
