Sony Celebrataes PS Vita Third Birthday With Game Sale

They acknowledged the Vita exists!

Sony has, in an incredibly rare move, gone ahead and acknowledged the existence of the PlayStation Vita, given that it is now three years since the system first launched worldwide. Back then, it seemed to be full of promise, and everyone was convinced that it would give Nintendo’s 3DS a run for its money. Three years later, the 3DS is at over 50 million units sold, while Sony refuses to give us any more sales numbers for the Vita at all.

Anyway, to celebrate its third birthday, Sony is holding a pretty good sale for the PS Vita right now. Games on sale include some excellent titles (such as Virtue’s Last Reward, being lowered to a shocking $7.50), and some pretty bad ones (Call of Duty: Black Ops Declassified is also on sale, if you want it). It’s missing some of the best games on the system (looking at you, Persona 4 Golden), but still, a sale is a sale.

You can check out the full list of all the games on sale here. Meanwhile, I will go and cradle my Vita, cooing to it softly and telling it that, even if Sony does not, I do in fact care for it.

PS Vitasony