Sony Comments On The Future of the PS4 Hardware Generation

Could we use these comments to speculate on when a PS5 may come?

There’s been so much speculation about the PS5- we all expect it, but what form it will take, and when it will be out, is not something that we can find consensus on, especially after the PS4 Pro put a wrench in the traditional life cycle of a PlayStation console.

However, speaking in Sony’s financial results meeting earlier today, Deputy President and Chief Financial Officer Kenichiro Yoshida touched upon the topic of the future of the PlayStation 4 life cycle- at least a little bit. He noted that every console generation has a point where hardware sales and software sales touch a peak- and the PS4 hit the former point last year, and it is expected to hit the latter point this year. Once this happens, the company expects the PS4’s profit structure to stabilize.

The implication here – though of course they haven’t said this, and this is just my speculation – may be that Sony will now begin to look onwards to the future, now that the PS4 has hit its expected peaks. If so, a PS5 may be coming a few years into the future- though we may still be a while off from its eventual announcement and release.

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