Sony Confirms The Last Guardian Is Releasing in 2016, Gameplay Footage Revealed


What a way to begin the conference. What a way to begin it.

The long awaited, given up on as dead after a development hell unlike one any other title in history suffered, The Last Guardian was what kicked off Sony’s E3 2015 press conference. After years of hype, seeing it felt almost mythical- and then we saw it in motion, and it looked every bit what we had all expected it to be. The graphics seemed to be a remnant of the PS3 era, technically speaking, but the artstyle, the AI, and the dynamism exhibited by the environment was on another level entirely.

The Last Guardian is also now confirmed to be coming to the PlayStation 4, confirming rumors and speculation that have been going on for as long as since 2011 now- and it is due to release some time in 2016, Sony confirmed, though of course, we have to take it with the caveat of hoping this game doesn’t get delayed again.

Stay tuned for more E3 2015 coverage.

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