Sony explains why streaming PS4 games to phone is not feasible

He says Vita is the perfect second screen for the PS4.

Sony VP of World Wide Studios, Michael Denny, revealed a lot of things about the PS4 in an interview with OPM, and he explained why the remote play function is more suited for the PS Vita rather than a phone.

Any latest smartphone has the capability to show PS4 games via wifi but there’s a major bottleneck as to why that isn’t the right way to do things. Vita’s analogue sticks and buttons makes all the difference apparently.

“So what we announced in terms of remote play was certainly for PlayStation 4 games to be played remotely via wifi access on your PS Vita,” he told the site. “Because obviously the Vita is the perfect second screen in terms of the analogue sticks and buttons.

“We also talked about PlayStation apps and the ability to interact with your games via a smartphone and your tablet in different sorts of ways.

“Those may not be playing the full experience because the controls may not map that well we think, but certainly in a companion sense. So if its Drive Club, your viewing a race or a friend’s race and can set challenges and send them and receive them on a second screen.”

Each PS4 game will be playable on the PS Vita via remote play and a control profile for the handheld system will be mandatory for developers to provide.

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