Sony Files For The Last Guardian Trademark- Again

This is getting out of hand now.

After the recent news that Sony had let the trademark for The Last Guardian lapse, here comes some more news for you on that front- Sony has filed for another trademark application for the game that has perennially been in development, and reached mythical levels of vaporware status- again.

The application was filed on March 12 (so just five days ago), and is specifically cited as an ‘intent to use’ application, meaning Sony is demonstrating and expressing an actual intent to use the trademark in question (maybe for the continued marketing of the game via which they get Team ICO fans to buy each new generation of PlayStation hardware, playing them for suckers).

Whether or not this game will materialize is anybody’s guess at this point, but honestly, I don’t really care anymore. Even if it does turn up, it will be so late and so far removed from its original hype that any excitement I may have had for it will have been long gone.

Oh well. I’ll keep you posted anyway.

ps4sonyTeam ICOThe Last Guardian