Sony Has Shipped 82.2 Million PS4 Units As of June 30; Has Increased Expectations For Fiscal Year

The company has shipped a total of 3.2 million PS4 units during the first fiscal quarter of this year.

Sony has announced their financial results for the first quarter of this fiscal year, which runs from April 1 to June 30, and along with other details, we also get to learn about how many units of the PS4 have been shipped in total worldwide to date.

During this quarter, a total of 3.2 million PS4 units have been shipped around the world, which brings the total number of shipments of the console to 82.2 million units as of June 30. While the console continues selling well, there has been a decrease in shipments year-on-year by about 100,000 units, but this is understandable, given that the console came out five years ago. Higher sales of software for the PS4 have contributed to increased revenue and operating income for Sony, according to them.

Furthermore, the company has increased their prediction of total sales for the PS4. Three months ago, they predicted that the console would ship 16 million units through the fiscal year, but now they predict that the console will ship 17 million units by the end of the fiscal year. This will bring the total number of PS4 shipments to 96 million units by March 31, 2019.

We’ll just have to wait and see how accurate their prediction turns out to be.

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