Sony Hopes to Sell 5 Million Units PlayStation 4 by Fiscal Year 2013 End

Andrew House also states that the Cloud service is on track for North America.

Sony executive Andrew House revealed that the company hopes to sell 5 million PlayStation 4 units by the end of fiscal year 2013.

House also stated that game consoles were seen as “just toys” but now, Sony is looking to create a “mainstream” with more connectivity and a “consumer-focused” environment. House also wanted developers worldwide to create social and connected experiences with a combination of both hardcore experiences and mainstream party and karaoke titles.

Reflecting how games have become more expensive, House said that Sony would be committed to creating a development environment for simplifying the creation of games.

Thankfully, the Cloud service seems to be on track for North America, and House revealed that it would support PlayStation Vita as well. The PlayStation 4 will be releasing in North America on November 15 and in Europe on November 29th, with a December release in Asia and a February 2014 release for Japan. Do you think Sony will sell 5 million units of the PS4? Let us know below.

Andrew Houseplaystation 4ps4sonyTGS 2013