Sony Open To Acquiring More Studios In The Future

The platform holder may be looking to add some new studios to the fold.

Earlier in the year came the announcement that Sony had finally acquired Insomniac Studios. The two had always had a close working relationship ever since the founding of Insomniac, so it wasn’t a huge surprise when it became official. But it seems it may not just be a one and done as Sony is open to purchasing more studios.

In the second quarters earning-call, Senior EVP and CFO Hiroki Totoki talked about the companies current 14 active studios, saying that it was possible the company would look at expanding beyond that at some point in time.

Microsoft has recently bought several studios, which has largely gone to bolster their first party input for their expanding Game Pass service. While Sony hasn’t expanded as aggressively, buying Insomniac was a sign that we could be seeing something similar in the future. Everyone will be owned by someone else soon, it seems, so it’s only a matter of time before we see another major acquisition.
