Sony: Placing “Too Many Constraints” on Kojima “Not A Wise Thing To Do”

There is a balance to be had though.

Sony has no intention of restricting the creative genius of Hideo Kojima, whose next title Death Stranding appeared at the publisher’s E3 presser.

This is according to Jim Ryan, Present and CEO of Sony Computer Entertainment Europe, in conversation with VG247 who said that even though the business would still accountable to shareholders and the like, the company wasn’t going to restrict Kojima in any way.

“If you try to place too many constraints on a free spirit like that it’s probably not a wise thing to do. But equally, clearly, with something like that there’s a significant investment on the part of Sony, and all of us who make those sort of decisions around that sort of investment are ultimately accountable to Sony shareholders.

“It’s a balance between allowing the creativity to flourish and recognising that we’re part of a business.”

Currently, Death Stranding is still seeking an engine with few potential options available and it will be an action game but not something that fits “established terms”. What are your thoughts on this? Let us know below.

death strandinghideo kojimaps4sony