Sony Preparing A Slimmer PS4 Model- Report

PS4 Super Slim? PS4 Pro Slim? PS4 Slim Pro?

The fine folks at DigiTimes haven’t just reported Nintendo’s apparent intention to produce an obscene 20 million Nintendo Switch consoles in the coming financial year– almost as an aside, they have also noted that Sony, apparently, plans on introducing a new, thinner model of the PS4 this year.

Now wait just a second- back up a bit. Sony introduced two new PS4 models last year, the PS4 Slim, which is already a size reduction over the launch PS4, and the PS4 Pro, which, yes, was massive, but also needed to be by design. So what is this new slim PS4 going to be? It is entirely possible that it’s a slimmer PS4 Slim, a PS4 Super Slim so to say- on the other hand, there is also a possibility that the PS4 Pro is getting a cheaper (and hopefully better looking…) revision.

I must also point out that while DigiTimes is a great source when it comes to news about phones, their track record for leaks about games hardware has been less than stellar- these were the folks who insisted that the ‘NX’ would launch last Summer, as an example. So while I’d note that this should be taken with a grain of salt, I must also ask- why would anyone lie about something as inconsequential as a slimmer PS4?

Whatever this slim PS4 is, I hope it looks better than the Slim and Pro. And for the love of goodness, I hope it includes a UHD Blu Ray drive this time.

ps4ps4 props4 slimsony