Sony: PS4 Gaikai on Track for 2014 Launch, Vita Support Possible

Next year will be a busy one for the PS4 and Vita alike.

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Sony’s cloud computing service for the PlayStation 4, Gaikai, is on track for its commercial launch in 2014. According to Sony Computer Entertainment president and chief executive Andrew House in conversation with The Guardian, Sony will be aiming to eventually move the service to the Vita, Smart TVs and other devices in the future.

“We’re still on track for a 2014 launch of the commercial service. It’s a brand new proposition: we’re pioneering a different way to experience games, i.e. server-delivered from the cloud. And we’re taking a very gradual, step-by-step approach because, first and foremost, we want to ensure that it’s a good experience for consumers.

“I’m not sure I look at it as backwards-compatibility; I look at it as a different way to offer PlayStation 3 gaming experiences – eventually to a much broader range of devices. So it starts with PlayStation 4, then it’s possible on PlayStation Vita, but eventually it will move out to things like smart TVs and other connected boxes.”

Excited for the possibilities of Gaikai? Let us know in the comments below.

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