Sony: Why you shouldn’t import your PS Vita systems

It was recently announced that the PS Vita will not be region locked, meaning import happy customers will be able to import their Vita systems and games from Japan if they don’t have the patience to wait for Vita’s actual western release.

President of Sony Worldwide Studios Shuhei Yoshida posted on Twitter that hew wouldn’t recommend importing the Vita, though it isn’t restricted. He mentioned that there are some differences between the US and Japanese models of Vita, like the use of X and O buttons being interchanged. In Japan, X is for “no” and O is for “yes.”

He said that PS Vita will be released in the west “soon”, so we should all be patient and avoid importing.

“There are people who are interested in importing the Japanese version of PS Vita from outside Japan, but I personally do not recommend that,” he said. “Sorry to make you wait a bit longer. We will update the launch dates outside Japan soon.”

“Sorry I’m not explaining well, but from my experience owning both US and J game consoles of everything, there tend to be minor nuisances,” he continued. “Like inconsistency between the use of x and o buttons between system software and games. It’s a legacy, but in Japan circle means “yes”, cross means “no”.”

Stay tuned, we’ll keep you updated.


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