Sony XDEV Studio Producer: The Order 1886 Looks Great, Really Exciting To Imagine How It Can Evolve

Rogan Ogden on the potential of PlayStation 4.

Ready At Dawn’s The Order:1886 is no doubt a technical showcase for the PlayStation 4. Featuring high definition lighting, shadow effects and expensive anti-aliasing techniques, The Order: 1886 brings an intense cinematic feel to video games. GamingBolt got an opportunity to speak to Rogan Ogden who is the Associate Producer at Sony Computer Entertainment, WWS XDEV Studio Europe.

The interview was mainly focused on Dead Nation: Apocalypse but we also managed to ask his thoughts on The Order 1886 and whether it’s maxing out the PlayStation 4’s power.

“Personally, I think The Order looks great and when I think about what Naughty Dog have achieved on PS3 with the Uncharted games and The Last of Us, it’s really exciting to imagine how The Order can evolve,” Rogan said to GamingBolt.

Come to think of it, games like The Last of Us and Grand Theft Auto V were  running on consoles that had outdated hardware but with the right optimization and low level API access to consoles architecture can bring in some amazing results.

Stay tuned for our complete chat with the talented team at WWS XDEV Studio Europe and more on Dead Nation: Apocalypse Edition, including the reasons behind the 30fps and what they are possibly cooking at E3.

ps4PSNready at dawnsonyThe Order: 1886