Spencer Responds To ‘Review Scores’ Quote, Talks Digital Backwards Compatibility, HDR And More

Xbox boss talks on a variety of topics.

The Coalition’s Gears of War 4 is now available early for those who pre-ordered the Ultimate Edition and while it’s pretty much more of the same, it’s still a worthwhile experience for fans of the series.

Microsoft has been doing its part to push the release, including with the Limited Edition Xbox One S for the game. Will other titles like Scalebound, for example, have such limited editions? Xbox boss Phil Spencer noted on Twitter that, “LEs have been very popular, we’ll do more.”

Spencer also committed to add more Xbox 360 games backwards compatible for the Xbox One. “In our interest to try to get as many 360 games approved as we can, team is always working to expand the list of BC games.”

He also talked about the possibility of digital versions for games like Lost Odyssey being made backwards compatible. “I know a lot of people want this, as do I. We don’t have a date yet but something we want to get done.”

As for whether titles like Mass Effect 2/3 or Blue Dragon would go digital if made backwards compatible on the Xbox One, Spencer said, “We want to give choice on how you buy your games, that would be our goal.” So not a direct confirmation but it’s certainly being kept in mind for Microsoft.

And though Spencer is hyped for Final Fantasy 15 supporting HDR on the Xbox One S, fans shouldn’t hold their breath for older games receiving the same treatment. He noted that the games best suited for HDR are those which have already considered it while in development. “Best examples are when artists have been working in and reviewing scenes in HDR so usually not just something added post.”

Recently, Spencer made comments about some reviews for recent exclusives like Forza Horizon 3 simply being for clicks. He clarified his stance on the same: “Hey, criticism for me saying this bums me out is totally fine and I understand. I respect the feedback.”

In fact, Spencer even apologized, stating that, “I’ll strive to do better, moment of weakness. Apologies.”

But no seriously, he’s sorry. “A mantra of mine is ‘Assume good intent’, this isn’t that.”

What are your thoughts on recent titles like Gears of War 4 and Forza Horizon 3 though? Let us know in the comments.

forza horizon 3HDRPhil SpencerXbox OneXbox One S