Spider-Man on PS4 and PS4 Pro: Ratchet and Clank Should Give You An Idea, Says Insomniac

With PS4 Pro level of power comes PS4 Pro level of responsibility.

Insomniac’s upcoming Spider-Man is widely awaited, winning multiple E3 awards after its stellar showing. A lot of people are excited at the prospect of playing as their favorite web slinger in a good game again. It helps, too, that it looks as fantastic that it does.

And many PlayStation faithful are also curious about how much better the game might look on a PS4 Pro compared to how it does on the vanilla PS4. Insomniac says that the enhancements that Ratchet and Clank, their previous release for the PS4, got on the PS4 Pro might give players a good idea of what Spider-Man will be like on the new machine.

Given how gorgeous Ratchet and Clank looked, even on standard PS4 systems (and especially PS4 Pro), I don’t think anyone will be complaining about this at all. Spider-Man is due out exclusively on the PS4 some time early next year.

Insomniac Gamesps4ps4 prosonySpider-Man