Spider-Man PS4 Will Show The World Why The Character Is So Awesome, Says Insomniac Games

Spider-Man: Arkham Asylum.

We are getting what could dethrone Batman: Arkham City as the best comic book superhero game ever made with Insomniac Games’ upcoming Spider-Man. Though not a whole lot is known about the title, the prospect of a developer as talented, and with a sense of humor as defined and whimsical as Insomniac, working on a property like Spider-Man has us giddy.

And while Insomniac themselves are still not too ready to talk about the upcoming game just yet, at a keynote at DICE Summit 2017, Marvel Games Creative Director Bill Rosemann discussed just what players and fans can expect from the game.

“You may have heard that we’re making a Spider-Man game with Ted Price’s team at Insomniac and our friends at Sony Interactive Entertainment,” Rosemann said. “The other day we were sitting around talking… Insomniac is only ten minutes away from Marvel Games offices… and we’re eating lunch and talking, asking each other: “hey, when did you first get into Spider-Man? And we all realized we had the same story. We discovered him when we were very little. Not only that, we all realized that we all owned the same Spider-Man underoos back in the day.

“And it feels like our lives have driven us to this moment. This is our purpose: to show the world why this character is so awesome. To bring this fictional world into the real world. It’s very personal for us. We’re going to focus our life’s journey into this game, to celebrate him with the world.”

It certainly sounds like a noble goal and pursuit- and if Spider-Man PS4 can capture the sense of the character as well as Batman: Arkham Asylum did for Batman, then Marvel, Insomniac, and Sony could have a hit on their hands.

Insomniac Gamesmarvelps4sonySpider-Man