Spin-off Dead Rising Film Confirmed

Capcom has announced a Dead Rising movie, named Zombrex Dead Rising (lul what?), and they say its release will be coinciding with Dead Rising 2’s release.

The film has been shot entirely in Japan, on-location. It will have many links to the games, says Capcom. They also say the film is inspired by old-time zombie movies in the 60s and 70s.

The film will be released digitally as a series of eight free episodes with English voice overs, if you don’t speak Japanese.

So, what do you think about Zombrex Dead Rising Rising? Does it have a riddiculously long and farfetched name? Is it a tongue twister? Or are are we people noobs, here, who think the name’s too strange? Tell us, won’t you? PLEASE!

Oh, and, Dead Rising 2 and Zombrex Dead Rising are set for release on August 31st this year.

capcomDead RisingDead Rising 2filmJapanJapanesemoviezombrexzombrex dead rising