Splatoon 2 Is Getting A Hammer In Its Newest Update

It’s called the Ultra Stamp, and it sounds like it could be lethal in the right hands.

Nintendo might be done adding new maps to Splatoon 2, but that doesn’t mean they’re done adding new content to the game altogether. In fact, the upcoming update for the game will be adding a brand new weapon to it, unlike anything the series has had so far.

In Japanese, this weapon is called the Ultra Stamp, which I feel doesn’t do it full justice, since it’s actually a hammer. A hammer that you can slam into the ground, dealing massive damage, and also making you less vulnerable from the front—that said, you’re still open to receiving quite a lot of damage from behind. The Ultra Stamp is a Special Weapon, meaning it’s not part of the regular loadout, but is instead activated when you fill up your Special Meter.

The new update will be version 4.2.0, and will be available on November 6 or November 7 (depending on your time zone). Splatoon 2 is out now, exclusively on Nintendo Switch.

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