Dynamighty has confirmed that its upcoming PS3, PS Vita and iOS spy title CounterSpy will also be releasing for the PS4. The game will be out in Summer of this year.
“Since the PlayStation 4 launch, we have had a steady stream of requests from people as to when or if we would be releasing on Sony’s new hardware,” wrote Dynamighty’s creative director David Nottingham. “We’ve even seen the game listed on websites as a PS4 title, even though nothing official had been said by Sony or us to that effect.
“Well we are super excited to be able to ‘declassify’ this information and officially confirm that yes, CounterSpy WILL be launching on PlayStation 4 in summer 2014.”
“We have been excitedly opening up the hood of our new PlayStation 4 dev kits. I think the extra power of PlayStation 4 is going to open up some really nice possibilities for us,” Nottingham continued. “At the same time, we remain super committed to the PlayStation 3 and PS Vita platforms (the game is looking great on both those platforms) as well as mobile.”
There’s also a new trailer for the game. Check it out above.
Source: PS Blog