Star Citizen Nets More Than $5 Million in Funding

Chris Roberts' upcoming space-sim, funded through his site and Kickstarter, is rolling in it.

After a long-time hiatus, and several failed experiments in association with Microsoft, Chris Roberts announced Star Citizen, an upcoming CryEngine 3-powered space sim that features a persistent universe, player jobs and both single/multi-player modes, was open for public funding under his new company Cloud Imperium. The total amount of funding thus far? $5,213,894 USD.

The amount funded through Roberts’ Space Industries site sits at $3,432,355 USD while the amount from Kickstarter sits at $1,842,130 USD through Kickstarter with only 8 hours to go. It’s insane, considering the budget and overall scope of the project, but there it is. People really really want to play this game.

Of course, it wouldn’t be a target without some rewards: Largest playable ship, the “Destroyer”, an additional base type, “Vanduul trading post” and a new alien race, “The Kr’tak”. There will also be extended hardcore flight sim controller support along with flight chairs, multiple monitors and more on launch. Pledge now, if you haven’t already.

Source: GIBiz

chris robertscloud imperiumKickstarterpcspace simStar Citizen