Star Citizen New Video Shows Us A Player Playing Through The 3.0 Alpha Build

For the first time ever...

Star Citizen‘s 3.0 Alpha Build will functionally bring the game to the same level as a title in Steam Early Access- so it’s a big milestone for the ambitious space sim game, and it’s something we have been looking forward to for a while. Thankfully, we’ve had the chance to look at the build before multiple times- but it has always been Cloud Imperium showing it to us. ‘Pure’ footage, just of a player playing it, has so far been scarce.

That changes today- below you will find a video from a player who starts playing the 3.0 build for the very first time. It’s our first look at what it will be like to exist in the game’s extensive universe- and these early indications seem to convey that it will be every bit as spectacular as the hype, years in the making, has promised.

The footage is even available in 4K- if you have a 4K panel. Check it out below. Star Citizen is bound for Windows and Linux PCs exclusively.

cloud imperiumpcStar Citizen