Star Trek Online Producer: “Game Rating Business Doesn’t Do Justice to MMOs”

Feels that some games get better, while others may get worse.

Can you possibly put a stamp on something that’s changing and evolving over time? Something like procedurally generated content, for instance, is impossible to completely and comprehensively review. And then there are MMOs, which are constantly being improved, updated and added to.

Should MMOs receive the “only once” treatment when it comes to reviews? Cryptic Games and Star Trek Online producer Dan Stahl, in an interview with [a]listdaily disagrees. “In my opinion, the whole game rating business doesn’t necessarily do a great justice to MMOs. MMOs are designed to grow over time and get better with every major release. It might be better if sites like Metacritic could find a way to rate MMOs by releases instead of just the initial day one.

“There are plenty of MMOs that have made huge strides since days one and some that have even gotten worse. Until then, we will continue to offer the game for free and ask for people to try it out and decide for themselves.”

Source: GIBiz

cryptic gamesmmospcperfect world entertainmentStar Trek: Online