Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 3 Was in Pre-Production at Obsidian

Despite support of fans, LucasArts failed to green-light the project.

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic is perhaps one of the more beloved Star Wars titles of all time, and despite the release of The Old Republic for PC by Bioware, many fans clamoured for a single-player game that would continue the story of Revan.

While it never arrived, that doesn’t mean it never existed. Obsidian Entertainment designer Chris Avellone, who worked on Knights of the Old Republic 2, stated that KOTOR 3 was indeed at pre-production at the studio. Speaking to Eurogamer, Avellone talked about why the game never went any further. “It was a matter of getting LucasArts to greenlight the title and I… To be honest I don’t know all the reasons that went into this, whether they wanted to have an internal team do it, whether they logistics didn’t work out…

“Ultimately, it felt like we were pitching and pitching and it just wasn’t going anywhere, and at some point people just drew a line and said ‘it’s just not going to happen,’ which made us kind of sad,” he continued. “But, OK – if that’s the business, that’s the business.”

Of course, with Bioware as one of the developers for one of the next generation Star Wars titles, as part of the agreement between EA and new owner Disney, a revival of the franchise may not be too far-fetched.

Chris AvelloneLucasartsobsidian entertainmentStar Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 3