Steam Dev Days Promise Brand New Motion Controllers And Next Generation of Lighthouse Base Stations

New controllers have never before seen layout.

Steam Dev Days always bring us a look at some truly innovative technology but this year’s get together might bring us the coolest stuff yet. Among the new tech that was unveiled during the convention was a new motion controller that comes complete with quite the interesting layout.

NeoGaf users were helpful enough to round up bits and pieces of this new tech including a picture of the glove like controller. This new contraption has a touchpad, three buttons, a trigger and the users’ fingertips are also recognized as grip-buttons. This layout very much gives VR users a leg up, as they’ll be able to move their hands very similarly to they would on a day to day basis.

It makes sense these companion devices to VR would be unveiled at Steam Dev Days, considering Valve first announced it was taking a foray into the world of VR at the same event three years ago. That wasn’t the only new piece of tech unveiled though. Steam also announced the  next generation of Lighthouse base stations and said these would be out next year.

Among the top features of these new Lighthouse base stations is that Steam wants them as “open and standardized” as WiFi.

pcSteam Developer DaysValve SoftwareVR