Steam Now Lets You Track Framerate In Your Games

Take that, console gamers.

One of the big deals this generation of gaming is resolution and frame rate counting- in the absence of any actual, meaningful differentiation between games on the two leading consoles of the day, it seems their fans have been reduced to trumpeting superiority in the number of lines their console displays on screen, all the while PC gamers continue to smugly insist that PCs are superior than both consoles in both these regards anyway.

And now, Valve has introduced new feature to Steam that will act as a constant reminder and reinforcement of that same idea- the newest update to the Steam beta client adds a frame rate counter overlay, letting you keep track of just how many frames per second your game is displaying.

This, of course, has actual utility too, since frame rate, unlike resolution (which is sadly what most people seem to be fixated on) actually influences gameplay. All that aside, it should also be able to further feed into the smug superiority over console gamers that PC gamers already feel.

pc gamingSteamValve