Strike Suit Zero Goes the Virtual Reality Way, Now Supports Oculus Rift

Imagine taking to a fully 3D cockpit and navigating into space.

Oculus Rift is a truly fantastic piece of technology. We recently interviewed the founder of Oculus Rift, Palmer Luckey where he revealed a lot of interesting details.

More and more developers are getting impressed with what this tech has to offer. Add Strike Suit Zero to that list as well. They recently confirmed that the game will now support VR.

“Imagine taking to a fully 3D cockpit, navigating space and looking about your environment as if you were actually there. The Oculus Rift will allow you to look all around you, letting you keep track of the enemy in a way that doesn’t just rely on a radar. This will really change up the core dogfighting experience,” the developers said on its Kickstarter page.

But be warned that this functionality is only for users who plan to pick up the Oculus Rift developer kit and not the retail version.

“As the consumer version of the Oculus Rift isn’t available yet, this is for those people who are picking up an Oculus dev kit, and want to help us work on and balance the Oculus version of the game. We get invaluable testers and you get to witness the optimization process from the inside,” they said.

Stay tuned to GamingBolt for more news and updates.

KickstarterpcStrike Suit Zero