Superbot Entertainment Announces Lay-Offs, “Around 20” Employees Suspected

SCEA confirms the lay-offs, though doesn't confirm the number.

Insomniac designer Mike Birkhead tweeted earlier today that “about 20” employees had been let go at Superbot Entertainment.

That’s the developer of Playstation All-Stars Battle Royale, released for the PS3 (and due for PS Vita). Considering the game’s average success, it wouldn’t be surprising.

Then, Sony Computer Entertainment of America released a statement, confirming the same. “SCEA can confirm that SuperBot Entertainment did make a reduction in their workforce today. The studio and SCEA remain committed to supporting PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale post launch, including developing the title’s forthcoming DLC releases in the coming months.”

Lay-offs happen all the time. Or rather, in today’s highly competitive gaming market, it’s foolish to expect job security if your title isn’t doing multi-million numbers within its first month. Does that same fair? Especially when your publisher confirms that sales were “right on target with expectations”?

Regardless, SCEA failed to mention if 20 employees had indeed been laid off. Stay tuned for further developments.

Source: GIBiz

PlayStation All-Stars Battle RoyalePS Vitaps3sceaSuperBot Entertainment