Systems Like Current PSN Have Bad Games Discoverability, PS5 and Next Xbox Should Improve That – Dev

It is hard to argue with that.

One of the biggest issues that online stores have is discoverability for content- this is an issue that Steam has grappled with for years, and that Nintendo is beginning to face with the eShop, now that there is a mad rush among developers to get their games on the platform. But it’s an issue all around in general- it’s not like PSN or Xbox Live do it much better, either.

Speaking to GamingBolt in an exclusive interview, the development team of Omensight, Spearhead Games, noted that game discoverability is one of the primary things they want improved in the next batch of consoles.

“Better performance is always good because it opens more possibilities for the games we create,” they said. “That being said, as a developer, I would love to see some improvements in the way games are promoted and presented in the stores of theses platforms.  Right now, discoverability or exposure on a platform like PSN is pretty bad.

“Besides that, I wonder if we won’t see a breakthrough in streamed games, or subscription based models, as a mainstream way to consume games on consoles.”

They also said that they feel like the PS5 and next Xbox should be able to accomplish native 4K and 60 frames per second, since they will have the hardware to achieve that, without being too overpriced. “I think we now have the hardware to achieve that at a reasonable cost,” they said.

I can’t argue with them on either count- the current state of online storefronts sorely needs redressal, and I do think that future consoles should be able to hit that level of power without trouble. Omensight is available now on Steam and on PS4.

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