Tales of Asteria, the mobile crossover title in the Tales series, has a new game on the horizon. Bandai Namco has announced Tales of Asteria: Eden of Reminiscence (a translation of the Japanese title “Tsuioku no Eden”). Check out the video for the same below.
Eden of Reminiscence features a new story and returning characters though there are some new ones as well. Velvet Crowe from Tales of Berseria (which released this year for PS4 and PC in the West) and Colette Brunel from Tales of Symphonia have been confirmed.
Currently, the game is scheduled to release in 2017 for Japan on iOS and Android. There’s no Western release currently, which is expected of Tales games, but stay tuned for more information.
In the meantime, you can check out our review of Tales of Berseria here and let us know what you think of Eden of Reminiscence in the comments below.