Team Meat says DRM is more damaging than piracy

Insightful blog post.


Team Meat of Super Meat Boy fame have revealed that DRM is a more damaging thing than piracy for the PC platform. He also revealed how much the game was pirated and yet they sold 2 million.

“I think I can safely say that Super Meat Boy has been pirated at least 200,000 times. We are closing in on 2 million sales and assuming a 10% piracy to sales ratio does not seem unreasonable,” the studio’s developer Tommy Refenes said in a post.

“As a forward thinking developer who exists in the present, I realize and accept that a pirated copy of a digital game does not equate to money being taken out of my pocket. Team Meat shows no loss in our year end totals due to piracy and neither should any other developer.”

He also revealed that DRM does not make sense for the publisher and in a way the negative image it creates in the media and among gamers has been displayed clearly with SimCity.

“The reality of our current software age is the internet is more efficient at breaking things than companies are at creating them,” he said. “A company will spend massive amounts of money on DRM and the internet will break it in a matter of days in most cases. When the DRM is broken is it worth the money spent to implement it?”

“Did the week of unbroken DRM for your game gain you any sales from potential pirates due to the inability to pirate at launch? Again, there is no way of telling and as such cannot be used as an accurate justification for spending money.”

There’s a lot of things he wrote in his blog post so go and check it out, it’s really an eye opener.

Tell us what you think in the comments section below.

Via, Destructoid.

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