As the first free to play title in the Tekken franchise, Tekken Revolution released on June 11th in North America for the PlayStation 3 on the PlayStation Store. Series director Katsura Harada recently spoke to SegmentNext about the purpose of the game and how it will appeal to new players as well as the hardcore.
“This title was particularly really designed to lower the barrier of entry for new players but also to have enough new things to appeal to hardcore players as well.”
He also stated that it’s “different” rather than being scary to release this kind of title. “You’re not getting a certain amount of money coming in on packages. But rather than that, we have the 20th anniversary of Tekken, so we feel a lot of possibilities. These types of games lower the barrier for entry so there’s the chance of a lot more people actually checking out games.”
Harada’s love for the Battlefield series also came up, as he talked about how, “As a player I would play the free-to-play version and, so, OK, if they come out with Battlefield 4 as a package version, would I not buy it? I mostly likely would because I love the game.”