Temple Run 2 hits 20 million downloads in the first week

The game has been released worldwide.

Temple Run 2, the successor to the highly successful Temple Run, has been downloaded 20 million times in the last weekend when it was released according to new reports. The game has also been improved visually along with a new setting that not only delivers a similar experience like the last game but also tries to push the bar when it comes to mobile games.

The game is free to download so the download amount is not surprising however if you want to make the most of the game, there are in-game transactions that will allow you to buy things.

The developer Imangi Studios released more stats and has also said that it is the third highest-grossing title currently and has been played 210 million times for a total of 1,775 years of gameplay. Of course, these are bullshit statistics not accuracy wise but seriously these stats prove nothing.

They still have quite a bit to go to catch Temple Run which has 170 million downloads worldwide.

androidImangi StudiosiOSTemple Run 2