The Banner Saga 3 Hits Kickstarter Goal In One Week

First goal of $200,000 is hit quickly.

The Banner Saga series is now a trilogy and it appears it is popular enough that the fans were able to hit the third game’s Kickstarter goal in just one week. The Kickstarter campaign launched on January 24 with an initial desire to hit about $200,000.

Stoic Games, the developer of the series announced it was officially starting the Kickstarter campaign on January 24 with that $200,000 goal. Furthermore, there’s a rather interesting stretch goal to be had in the case of The Banner Saga 3.

Stoic says that if they are able to gain more investment, they will have the ability to offer a playable Dredge character. Those who have played either or both of the first two games know that the Dredge have been the enemy in the past but it looks like we might be getting a brand new look at them in this installment.

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