The Elder Scrolls Online Suffers From Item Duplicating Bug

And it's been around for quite a while.

A new game has been in effect since the launch of The Elder Scrolls Online which allows players to duplicate items at a very fast rate. It’s apparently causing a fair bit of chaos, with some players proclaiming the economy to have been deeply affected as a result. Check out the video above to find out more about the bug in question.

In short, it not only allows you to rack up tons of gold within a few hours but to also duplicate items. This allows several players to achieve the best armour in the game and others who aren’t duplicating items can still pick up the materials for super cheap. It’s becoming a fairly big hassle in PvP combat and will be impacting who sits on the throne of Cyrodiil for the next few months.

What is ZeniMax Online Studios going to do to correct this? We’ll have to stay tuned to find out.

bethesda softworksMacpcthe elder scrolls onlineZenimax Online Studios