The Elder Scrolls Online’s Daggerfall Covenant explained

Great explanation.

The Daggerfall covenant features Bretons, Redguard, and Orcs, and in a recent Q&A by Zenimax Online–the developers of the game–we have some more information on how exactly this covenant came to be.

The Elder Scrolls Online is a massively multiplayer online game set in the world of Tamriel and will feature three major covenants. The developers said that it was an “an alliance of convenience.”

“Individual Bretons and Redguards may not be happy about it, but the residents of their border towns say it’s better to have the Orcs marching against their enemies than raiding their flocks and their farms,” the developer post read.

“The Redguards and Orcs have always respected each other as honorable opponents – and while the Orcs may not trust the Bretons, as a general thing, they do trust King Emeric, who’s proven reliable. And serving side-by-side is building trust between the races.”

The post also explained why the covenant has a weaker race and the decision to include them in it.

“As a race, the Orcs have what we would call an inferiority complex. They’ve been kicked around Tamriel and looked down upon by the other races since the beginning of time, and they crave respect. It was a big deal for the Orcs when, in relatively recent history, Orsinium was finally admitted into the Second Empire as a full province,” the post read.

“The clans that have joined the Daggerfall Covenant remember that period of recognition, and seek to revive it. The Bretons promised the Orcs could revive Orsinium unmolested, and that once the Covenant re-established the Empire, Orsinium would once again be an Imperial province.”

You can read our wiki of the game here. Tell us what you think in the comments section below.

pcthe elder scrolls onlineZenimax Online