The First Cell Phone Cheat Code for GTA 5 on Xbox One and PS4 Has Been Discovered

Let the sky fall.

GTA5 has just launched on the Xbox One and PlayStation 4 (with a release on PC to follow in January), and while there are some people who are already having some good fun with the game, by doing things with it the developers almost certainly did not intend (such as this stock market exploit we told you about a few days ago), we also seem to have found the first cheatcode in the game.

If you pull out your phone and dial 1-999-759-3255 (which translates to 1-999 SKY-FALL), you… erm, well, you sort of spawn in the air. In the middle of the sky. As if you’d just jumped from a plane or something. Seriously. You can check it out in action for yourself above.

So far, this is the only cheat we know of, and further, it seems to be limited to just the single player mode, but hey, it’s a start. I am sure we’ll have a whole host of cheats swarming all over the place for these versions soon enough.

gta 5ps4RockstarRockstar NorthXbox One