The Last Guardian Director Would Like To Work On A VR Game

But admits there are some obstacles along the way.

Fumito Ueda is well known in video game circles thanks to his direction on titles like The Last Guardian and ICO. While both of those titles appear to be grounded in some old school fundamentals when it comes to their design, the director recently commented that he would very much like to work on a title based in Virtual Reality.

In an interview with Glixel he claimed that that he likes VR and what it has to offer, but he’s quite aware of the limitations that come with the platform. Those limitations would apparently be enough to keep him away from VR when it’s all said and done.

“On one side, as a creative medium, I’m interested in creating something for VR, but I also have the responsibility to make sure that it makes business sense for us to take on the project. So, in that sense, I haven’t found the right balance or realistic solution to make it happen,” he told the website. Looks like we might have to wait a while before we see if Ueda ever takes a step into the VR world. In the meantime, you can check out our full walkthrough of The Last Guardian.

gen designps4sonySony JapanThe Last Guardian