The Last Guardian New Screenshots Show The Tender Relationship Between Trico And The Boy

A boy and his giant feathery, hairy pet.

the last guardianthe last guardian

The Last Guardian is almost here- it launches after the better part of a decade on October 25, exclusively on the PlayStation 4. Yes, it’s actually happening, and if you have trouble believing that, Sony are doing the best they can to convince you with some new media drops.

Take, for instance, this new bunch of screenshots from the latest issue of Japanese magazine Famitsu- they’re magazine scans (coming to us courtesy of DualShockers), so they’re not necessarily of the best quality- but the graphics of The Last Guardian stand out more because of the art style than anything else, and that continues to shine in these screens.

You can check out the new screens below. The game looks really great, and the images seem to hint at a tender relationship between the boy and Trico. I just hope one (or both!) of them don’t end up dying by the end. That’d make me bawl like a baby.

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