The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Attach Rate Almost 1:1, According To GameStop

System seller.

Rarely have we had a system seller on the same level as The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild– the original Halo: Combat Evolved for Xbox, maybe, and Super Mario 64 for the Nintendo 64. But that’s about it. Breath of the Wild is, right now, single handedly selling $300 priced system still in ‘beta’ in record numbers.

And now, GameStop has confirmed the obvious- according to GameStop COO Tony Bartel, just about everyone who has picked up a Nintendo Switch has also picked up a copy of this game.

“The demand is incredibly strong for this. As soon as we get it into our stores, it’s out within hours. So we anticipate we’re going to be chasing supply this entire year.

“The other thing is, every game that’s out there, to have over a five and a half attach rate to this, signifies that a lot of people are finding this a great platform and they’re picking up any games that they can. I mean, we have almost a one-to-one attach of Zelda.”

It sounds like the Switch is a success, and that its success is driven directly by Zelda. It also sounds like it already has one hell of an attach ratio already- 5.5 games per console sold this early in the system’s life is amazing. Here’s hoping Nintendo can keep the momentum up.


Nintendonintendo switchThe Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wildwii u