The Order 1886 Director: People Looking for “Some Reason” to Hate Our Game

Dana Jan is excited for feedback from those who've played it though.

Ready At Dawn Studios’ The Order: 1886 isn’t even out yet and it’s garnering some mixed reactions. This is due to a recent YouTuber posting an entire walkthrough of the game which clocked in at roughly 6 hours (despite clearly rushing through it). Though analyst Michael Pachter believes it will be a success for the year, The Order: 1886 has still seemingly attracted a lot “haterade” according to director Dana Jan.

Speaking to Develop, Jan stated that, “We have this uncanny ‘haterade’ for our game no matter what. People are looking for something to throw at our game, some reason to hate it. I’m excited to hear what people who have actually played the game think about it, how do they feel about the quality and the quantity? I think by and large that most people are going to be satisfied.

Every high profile title, especially exclusives, are subject to scrutiny but Jan believes it’s even more audacious in this case. “It’s more just shocking that for a game that isn’t out yet, for a franchise that is brand new, the amount of negativity is just…

“I just feel like these days it’s so easy to be negative and I think the internet is the new playground for bullies. Who goes out of their way to really go and say something positive, right?

“If you go out to a restaurant and you have a good time, do you go online immediately to post something? But if you have a bad experience, you’ll jump on because you want to warn people about it right? It takes a lot more effort to say something nice than to say something negative, and I think people are excited to jump on some bandwagon of negativity.

“I don’t think people need to go out there and be unbiased supporters of our stuff or anything either. I want them to make up their own minds about the game period. It just seems like the pendulum swings the other way so frequently. I mean, we’ll see, right?”

The Order: 1886 is out on February 20th for PlayStation 4 so we’ll indeed find out for ourselves just how good or bad it is. Stay tuned in the coming days.

ps4Ready at Dawn StudiossonyThe Order: 1886