The PlayStation Network Netted Sony More Revenue Than all of Nintendo’s FY2015 Business

Sony's taken a commanding lead.

FY2015 was a golden year for the PS4, with sales figures that exceeded Sony’s expectations. Now, putting those figures into perspective, it appears that Sony’s PlayStation Network alone has generated more revenue than all of Nintendo’s business last year. Nintendo’s entire FY2015 revenue came to approximately 504 billion Yen. In contrast, PSN alone generated 529 billion Yen worth of business for Sony over the same period.

Nintendo has been in a tight spot since the appalling failure of the Wii U—the firm’s slowest-selling console (Virtual Boy aside) reversed the firm’s success with the original Wii and caused Nintendo to report substantial operating losses since the console launched in 2012. Apart from brand recognition issues, a weak software lineup was said to be a key cause for the Wii U’s failure–something reports indicate Nintendo wants to change with the NX.

With the NX now slated for a 2017 launch, it remains to be seen if Nintendo’s fortunes will change, with Sony racing ahead.
